EBRAINS Services for Sensitive Data

In partnership with

EBRAINS Services for Health Data in the Cloud

The HealthDataCloud aims to provide EBRAINS services for sensitive data. Our consortium comprises a mixture of existing Human Brain Project (HBP)/EBRAINS infrastructure partners and leading health data service providers that have recently joined the HBP. The consortium is coordinated by Charité University Medicine Berlin, Europe’s largest University hospital. The foundation for the EBRAINS HealthDataCloud is an existing GDPR compliant and EBRAINS interoperable Virtual Research Environment (VRE) – located at the Charité - that provides a secure and scalable data platform enabling multi-institutional research teams to store, share and analyze complex multi-modal health datasets.


The VRE has undergone a successful GDPR Service Readiness Audit

The EBRAINS HealthDataCloud addresses the design principles
and requirements of the EBRAINS Services for Sensitive Data

Federated research data ecosystem that enables neuroscience research consortia across Europe and beyond to collect, process and share sensitive data with GDPR-compliance.

Interoperable with EBRAINS research infrastructure and services, built upon FAIR data principles and open standards.

Seamless access to high performance computing and analytics using encryption and sandboxing for data protection.

Built on a robust and proven system architecture that provides agility and scalability to address evolving research data needs.

HealthDataCloud Architecture

The EBRAINS HealthDataCloud is a federation of interoperable nodes including a central node deployed at EBRAINS RI and an expandable set of satellite nodes deployed at hospitals, research institutes and computing centres. Nodes generally share a common system architecture based on the Charité VRE, enabling research consortia to manage and process data while making data discoverable and shareable on the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph.

GDPR-compliant governance and data protection framework

The processing of personal health data requires a high degree of data protection to guarantee the privacy rights of natural persons under the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Privacy by design and by default is addressed by a coordinated network of governance and oversight mechanisms, technical and organizational measures, engagement of data protection and research ethics authorities, and communication and transparency with data subjects.

Interoperability of Core Services

The foundation for the EBRAINS HealthDataCloud is the GDPR-compliant and EBRAINS interoperable Virtual Research Environment (VRE), located at the Charité University Medicine Berlin, providing a secure and scalable data platform enabling multi-institutional research teams to store, share and analyze complex multi-modal health datasets. The VRE is an innovative project that co-designs a research platform for sensitive data in close interaction and continuous inclusion of the scientific community.

FAIR Data Principles

HealthDataCloud services for sensitive data promote practices to ensure that data
are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.

Metadata capture, annotation and provenance tracking

Advanced search tools and knowledge graph interface

Support for open data standards (e.g., OpenMINDS, BIDS)

Support for common open-source tools and services for analytics and collaboration

Reusable data protection compliance templates for typical data processing and data sharing use cases

Interoperability with EBRAINS services and large-scale computing centres

Consortium Partner Organizations

Petra Ritter (Coordinator)
Charité University Medicine Berlin (CHARITE)
Stephane Pollentier
Indoc Europe gGmbH (INDOC)
Colin McMurtrie
CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Boris Orth
Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH (JUELICH)
Javier Bartolome
Barcelona Supercomputing Center -
Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS)
Dirk Pleiter
PDC Center for High Performance Computing
Ira Haraldsen
Oslo University Hospital (OUH)
Minos Garofalakis
ATHENA R.C., Management of Data Information, and Knowledge (MaDgIK) Group at IMSI
Bernd Rinn
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Scientific IT Services (ETHZ-SIS)